The APEX Solutions team
Dylan Nedelec
Analyst Programmer

I’ve always wanted to work in video games, ever since I was very young.
I went to technological high school with a STI2D option in S.I.N, which gave me a taste for programming.
Naturally, I went on to do a DUT in Computer Science at Le Havre, which simply gave me the desire to make a career out of it.
Always with the idea in mind of working in the video game industry,
I went on to study Gameplay Programming at Objectif3D in Montpellier,
It was here that I was able to experiment with my first projects, whether as a programmer or even in a multidisciplinary context
and several aspects that I’d only glanced at until now.
Artificial Intelligence in particular.
And it was during the presentation of a project at an interview,
that I embarked on my quest for A.I., with a first step into the world of work at APEX Solutions.
I believe that challenges are the best way to improve and surpass oneself.
Learning, theorizing, creating, simulating and applying have always been priorities for me in the fields I’ve always taken to heart.
APEX Solutions asks me to apply these concepts in projects that challenge current tools,
Participating in these ambitious projects is exactly what I’m looking for.
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