The APEX Solutions team

Marie Voyeaud


photo de profil

After obtaining my Bac S in the Paris region, I started a Licence MIASHS specializing in cognitive sciences, in Montpellier, during which I began to learn the Python programming language. I then did two years of a Licence in Biology in Toulouse, before switching to a Licence Professionnelle de Génie Géomatique pour l’Aménagement du Territoire (GGAT), alternating between APEX Solutions and the IUT in Auch.


My two-year work-study program at APEX has enabled me to develop my scientific mind, my autonomy and to put my theoretical skills into practice.


The fact that I’m able to work on concrete projects, linked to Geomatics and Python development, motivates me enormously. What’s more, I’ve always been interested in the world of research and the creation of new tools and software, in line with the company’s values. So I think I could flourish in a company like APEX.

Risk prevention is a sector in high demand these days, so I hope to be able to make a contribution in this area.

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