Research work
Most of our research work has been published and presented. You can access them below or through our ORCID accounts.
APEX solutions supports the “open science” movement and is committed to making its research openly accessible. There are a few exceptions: some research may not be published due to confidentiality reasons, specific requests from our customers or to protect our technological innovations.
Emmanuel LAPEBIE’s ORCID account:
Interdependencies between industrial infrastructures: Territorial vulnerability assessment
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Symmetric model of compressible granular mixtures with permeable interfaces
Physics of Fluids
BLEVE overpressure: Multiscale comparison of blast wave modeling
Process Safety Progress
On the effects of a triple aggression (fragment, blast, fireball) on an LPG storage
Chemical Engineering Transactions
New capabilities of CERES® CBRN-E decision support tool in the fields of explosion modelling and source term estimation
HARMO 2014 – 16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings
Atmospheric turbulent dispersion modeling methods using machine learning tools
Chemical Engineering Transactions