APEX Solutions
APEX Solutions
Private research and development laboratory specializing in risk management, Defence and security
APEX solutions was created to meet your needs, whether you are a government department, a company or a local authority.
As General de Gaulle said when he visited the CNRS in 1967: « it’s easy to find a researcher who searches; it’s harder to find a researcher who finds…».
We’re on the finder’s side!
APEX offers you the best of research – creating new knowledge – and the best of engineering – developing viable, practical solutions.
We can handle all or part of your R&D needs, from assessing the state-of-the-art from scientific literature to modeling, simulating phenomena, processing and mapping big data.
If your needs go beyond our own expertise, we know how to develop partnerships, set up collaborative projects, and even seek co-financing (ANR, EU projects…).
APEX develops custom tools, models and processes for a wide variety of applications. Here are some of the areas we have worked on or are currently developing. Other projects are under study (fire, epidemics, public space protection, industrial risks in urban environments, etc.).
We are craftsmen
We will create a tailor-made solution just for you.
Our goal is to perfectly fit your needs, which we will take the time to discuss with you. Depending on the situation, this may involve upgrading one of our existing products, or creating a completely new one for you…
We are not motivated by profit
Your satisfaction is our priority. It’s our best promotion!
We provide relevant solutions at an acceptable cost – which is the right compensation for our teams. The quality of our services will always be more important to us than our profit margin.
Our solutions are different
You would already have the solution if your problem were simple to solve.
Silo thinking is also an obstacle to innovation in the sciences. We usually find new, “out-of-the-box” solutions when we work across disciplines. That’s why we keep an open mind and maintain an active technology watch in many fields.
We are stronger together
We don’t pretend to master every area of risk management.
We can create the right solution for you by working with your teams and our partners (laboratories chosen for their expertise and innovative companies like us).
Modeling the physical protection of sensitive sites – presentation to AN2V
Modeling the physical protection of sensitive sites is one of the areas of activity of APEX solutions, a company specializing in the analysis and modeling of complex risks.
From Building Information Modelling/Management to SIMulation BIM2SIM project – SecurIT
SecurIT started the 1st of September, 2021 for 3 years and received a global budget of 5 M€ including 3.5 M€ dedicated to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) through a mechanism of cascade-funding.
Welcome to Marie, our SIG trainee!
Marie Voyeaud joined the APEX solutions team on September 1, 2022. Welcome to Marie!