Modeling the physical protection of sensitive sites is one of the areas of activity of APEX solutions, a company specializing in the analysis and modeling of complex risks.

As part of the “Innovation Fridays” organized by the Association nationale de la vidéoprotection – AN2V, we presented our R&D activities in this field:
– the EPIC code, capable of automatically identifying the most vulnerable intrusion paths in a complex critical infrastructure, i.e. the paths with the lowest probability of interruption by the security team,
– the BIM2SIM technology brick, developed as part of the European SecurIT Innosup project, which aims to directly import building geometries in standardized IFC format. APEX is working in partnership with the British architectural firm Scott Brownrigg,
– the more forward-looking ADAM technology brick, which aims to create a behavioral artificial intelligence capable of finely modeling human behavior (perception, cognition, decision, actions, movement, communication…) in our “Serious Games”. A super-NPC of sorts (and if you don’t know what an NPC is, watch the movie Free Guy starring Ryan Reynolds).
The presentation and video are available on the AN2V website:
The presentation video is available on the association’s YouTube channel:
As with all our projects, we welcome scientific exchanges and collaborations! Don’t hesitate to get in touch…