
Welcome to Marie, our SIG trainee!

carte d'une ville générique

Marie Voyeaud joined the APEX solutions team on September 1, 2022. Welcome to Marie!

After graduating with a degree in biology, Marie began a work-study program in geomatics as part of the “Génie Géomatique pour l’Aménagement du Territoire” professional degree offered by the IUT Paul Sabatier in Auch. On the menu: vector and raster (image) data processing, familiarization with geomatic reference tools, Python programming and database development.

The common thread running through her work-study program at APEX will be the use of CEREMA mobility data to estimate the flow of people in urban areas. This new approach will be integrated into the consequence models developed as part of the URB(EX)3 project.

Marie will gradually be in charge of the “geomatic” aspects, which are omnipresent in almost all our projects.

See Marie’s profile: here.

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